I know why you’re not sleeping

I couldn’t sleep last night. Yes I know, despite all of my own tips, I found it terribly difficult last night to drop off. When I stopped trying to ignore the issues that were bouncing off the walls of my mind keeping me awake, it made sense. You see, I had tried to push down…… Continue reading I know why you’re not sleeping

Gratitude Challenge #3 – MONEY!

Stop feeling bad about money. Money is great, let’s be honest. When we have it, we are happy, when we spend it, we are happy – yet for some reason the entire concept of money has been tarnished with negativity. You have likely heard phrases along the lines of ‘rich people are greedy’ or ‘money…… Continue reading Gratitude Challenge #3 – MONEY!

The Power of Love

Today I feel compelled to write in light of recent events. Last night members of the public were targeted at a concert in Manchester- usually demographics are irrelevant, but in this case the majority were children and teenagers. And my heart aches. My heart aches because I have been on the other side of the…… Continue reading The Power of Love

Making Money from Mess

Hey, so remember when I said stuff is just stuff and I vowed to start living a more simplistic lifestyle? Well, that’s going really well. In fact, I am finding it so easy to empty my room of the materialistic stuff I would have once placed a lot of egotistical value onto I’m going to…… Continue reading Making Money from Mess